Lesson 2 :
Mindset Mojo

Enter the Mind Games! 🤯

Have you ever held your guitar, tried a chord and your fingers did not respond to you as you wished?

Or couldn't figure out that strumming pattern and a voice told you “never mind, you're too old, slow, basic,  you're not even a musician, better go learn Crochet ?(no offense beautiful Crochet lovers!)   

Yes, we all have that nasty voice. The difference is that the ones who overcome it are the ones who are aware of its existence and proceed to reframe it with a growth mindset. Let's explore how.
What is a Growth Mindset?

A growth mindset is the belief that your abilities are NOT static. They can be developed through practice, the right conditions, and feedback. Unlike a fixed mindset, which suggests your abilities and skills are set in stone, a growth mindset thrives on challenge and sees failure not as evidence of unintelligence but as a heartening springboard for growth and for stretching our existing abilities.

Check this little video to go a bit deeper into the science of the growth mindset in a fun way: 

The Importance of Growth Mindset in Guitar Learning

Why does mindset matter so much for guitar players?

It’s simple:

The way you think about learning can transform how you approach every single practice session.

With a growth mindset, you see each chord and new technique not as a barrier, but as a puzzle to be solved—an exciting challenge that helps you grow.

You’re likely to embrace complex songs, persist through the inevitable ups and downs, and actively seek out feedback to enhance your skills.

On the other hand, a fixed mindset might make you think your musical abilities are set in stone. This could lead you to avoid challenging pieces, feel discouraged by mistakes, or even give up when progress seems slow.

You might catch yourself thinking, “I’m just not good at playing guitar,” when you face a hurdle.

Switching to a growth mindset, you view your musical abilities as skills that can be developed through dedication and hard work.

Challenges become opportunities to improve, mistakes are lessons in disguise, and feedback from others is a valuable resource for your journey. This belief system empowers you: “With enough time and effort, I can master the guitar.”

Embracing this mindset means every practice session is an opportunity to advance, to turn struggles into strategies, and to keep moving forward with confidence and resilience.

growth vs Lesson 2- Mindset Mojo

Which one will you let win?

Simplified Guide to Cultivating a Growth Mindset :  

Step 1: Recognize Fixed Mindset Triggers

  • Keep a daily journal of your thoughts during guitar practice. Identify moments when you think things like "I can't do this" or "This is too hard."

Step 2: Reframe Challenges

  • When you encounter a difficult piece or technique, change your perspective from "I can't" to "I can't yet." Set small, achievable goals to help you tackle the challenge step by step.

Step 3: Embrace Mistakes as Opportunities

  • Every time you make a mistake, write down what it taught you. View each error as feedback, not as a setback.

Step 4: Seek Feedback and Act on It

  • Regularly ask for feedback from teachers or peers. Use this input constructively to guide your practice sessions, focusing on areas that need improvement.

Step 5: Celebrate Your Progress !

  • At the end of each week, reflect on what you’ve learned and achieved. Recognize even the smallest successes and understand how they contribute to your overall growth. Its about the journey, not the destination!

Remember that cultivating a growth mindset is a process that is not done overnight so the key is to be patient, and start with the basic that is awareness over our current fixed mindset patterns and start to reframe each one day by day.

If you want to get deeper into the growth mindset and follow a proven structured approach, please check my other course called "Mindful Melodies, A Growth mindset Course For Guitarists" 

Remember that Rome wasn't build in one day! ( but they were lying bricks each hour)  🎸✨

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