Module 2, Lesson 2:
Laser Focused Attention

Can you guess what’s the most valuable currency in the world right now?


Is not the Euro.

Neither the dollar.

Is your …

Attention !!

Did you know that people pay billions and billions of dollars over the internet and media to buy your attention so you end up putting those beautiful eyeballs in the place where they want them to be? 

That's why a Super Bowl ad costs millions for a few seconds and why followers number matter in social media.

However as bad as it can seem, this is great news  because this makes you owner of a unique super power :

You are able to choose where you put your attention and focus.

It's your choice to put 100% of your attention intensely for 30-60 minutes per day on mastering those chords on the guitar, or to split your focus and get distracted for a few minutes by a message from your ex, the cute dog, Netflix, and your phone notifications while practicing guitar.

So in this lesson we will go through a bit of the science of attention, and some tools to help us to maintain focus for learning guitar rapidly.

focus Lesson 2 - Laser Focused

and on playing guitar 🙂

What Happens in Your Brain When You Focus?

So you took your guitar and sat down to put some time to practice. Awesome! Now lets learn a bit about the 3 main helpers in your brain can make a big difference in how well you focus and learn during your session so you can go from intermittent focus to zen monk! 

  1. Dopamine - The Motivation Booster:

    • Dopamine is often called the "feel-good" chemical because it makes you feel happy when you achieve something.

    • Every time you successfully play a song or hit the right notes, your brain gives you a little burst of dopamine. This not only makes you feel great but also motivates you to keep practicing and tackling new challenges. It's like getting a gold star every time you do something well, encouraging you to keep going.

    • Try setting and achieving small goals during your practice, so you can get more dopamine releases, which make practice more rewarding and enjoyable and sustains focus and motivation. Ensure each session has clear, achievable objectives to keep dopamine levels optimal.

  2. Acetylcholine - The Detail Enhancer:

    • Acetylcholine helps your brain focus on tiny details.

    • Playing guitar can be hard at first because you need to pay close attention to many details—like where your fingers go and how you strum. Acetylcholine helps you zoom in on these details so you can play more accurately and learn faster. It's like having a magnifying glass that helps you see everything more clearly.

    • Activities like playing memory games before practicing or engaging in other mental focus exercises can increase acetylcholine production.Try to minimize distractions and focus intensely for short periods to make the most of the acetylcholine in your brain. This could mean turning off your phone or practicing in a quiet room.

  3. Epinephrine - The Energy Kicker:

    • Also known as adrenaline, epinephrine gives you a boost of energy and alertness.

    • Sometimes, practicing guitar can be tiring, especially if you're working on something challenging.  Epinephrine helps keep you alert and ready to tackle tough sections without feeling too tired. It's like the energy you feel when you're excited or pumped up about something.

    • If you start to feel tired or your attention is lagging, do something active for a few minutes to boost your epinephrine levels. This could be as simple as doing a few stretches or jumping jacks. Physical warm-ups or caffeine (in moderation) can enhance epinephrine levels, enhancing alertness before practice.

Extra Little Tips to Enhance Your Focus: 

  1. Minimize Distractions (duh) : 

    This can be hard but try to set up a distraction-free environment. This may involve using noise-canceling headphones or creating a dedicated practice space free from interruptions.

  2. Behavioral Tools:

    Consider starting each session with a few minutes of meditation to clear your mind, enhancing your overall concentration and focus capacity.

  3. Use Technology to Aid Focus

    Tools like timers to structure your practice sessions into focused intervals, using short breaks to prevent fatigue are great because you know you are working for a finite period of time. Metronomes and other auditory feedback tools can also help maintain your focus and align with the rhythm of your practice.

Focused Practice Challenge 

Try today a "Focused Practice Session" where you apply these techniques to your daily practice, track your progress and observe improvements in your learning efficiency. 

Remember that focus is like a muscle, we gotta exercise it and little by little we will get longer and stronger focused sessions.  

So be patient with yourself and enjoy the process!  🎸✨

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